Recently, Samsung's Android 10 calendar was announced by Google. In addition to this information, Samsung has released the new Android 10 beta update for the Galaxy S10 series. The latest beta version, the Galaxy S10 5G in Korea, we can say the release version. Galaxy S10 Android 10 beta comes with many bug fixes.
Galaxy S10 has received Android 10 beta update
G97 ** XXU3ZSK3 coded update, ONE UI 2.0 beta program with the Galaxy S10e, Galaxy S10 and Galaxy S10 Plus models have come. This is the third beta update for users in Germany, Korea, and the United States. The second update for all other markets.
For those using Samsung DeX on a computer, this version does not support DeX on the computer. The company announced that it will release a beta version of the DeX application for the Android 10-based computer in the coming days, but has not given a date for it.
When we look at the bug fixes that came with the update, we see a long list. You can see these corrections clearly in the screenshot below.