During the launch of the OnePlus 7T Pro last month, the company announced the Android 10 for the OnePlus 6 and OnePlus 6T, which will become the previous model of the series. Following the update, the latest version of Android, which is under the auspices of Google, is included with the OxygenOS 10 user interface.
The update brings innovations and offers improvements. It is claimed that the update has not been officially announced. OTA can be downloaded through. The 1.8 GB shared update brings some improvements:
Android 10 update with OxygenOS 10 for OnePlus 6 and 6T
Android 10 version
- New UI design
- Quick settings tab customization
- Contextual display (formerly smart display)
- Similar to Apple devices Swipe back
- to simplify navigation between apps
- Identify unwanted messages by keywords
- Game Space
Apart from these innovations, the upcoming OnePlus Android 10 update will update the 1 August 2019 Security Update together with OxygenOS 10 to 1 October 2019. This will eliminate errors and vulnerabilities in the device and operating system.